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What Gabriele Forti, now well-established master of the lens, is proposing to us is a  signficant sequence of faces (22  black-and-white images,  which are exposed in two rooms of the Rocca Aldobrandesca’s ground floor in Piancastagnaio, from Monday 23 to Sunday 29 July 2018) collected in the every-day life of the village. Familiar Faces, others to be discovered with careful reflection on the part of the visitor, faces of our people, which maybe we see and meet every day, and who now speak to us more than in the physical meeting. As the writer Marcel Proust puts it, in these faces set in the silence of time there is a ” recherche ” a search for the soul that speaks through the intuition of those who use the photographic tool, but in this case the item acts, behind the feelings and the impulse of the artist’s heart.

In a famous and profound aphorism, Cicero says: ” As the face is the image of the soul, the eyes are the interpreters “: Gabriele has magically understood it, and indeed, just as a preview of the vision of 22 images composed in the Rocca Aldobrandesca’s halls , he wanted to gather in a symbolic photomontage of the photographed people’s eyes. The great professionalism of Gabriele, his continuous “moving” around living and throbbing subjects, to convey to the observer indescribable emotions, they offer us many ideas to talk about this master whose art is certainly of undoubted skill, with a personal human evolution and a very particular maturity.

The faces impressed by the camera of Gabriele, familiar faces  as I said, that mark the common moments of the common life Pianese, can tell us many things; in the human face, we can find the presence of many things. In the face, we can see, the joy, the pain, the love, the anger, the suffering. A face, lights up with a smile, gets wet with tears, looks at others, perceives many reactions. Gabriele, with this umpteenth creative effort, gives us all these feelings. Which is not unimportant, in the flow of our time, more and more often dry.

(Text by Giuseppe Serafini)

Thanks to Giuseppe Serafini for the beautiful article,  to all the staff of Roccone especially to Corrado and Giulia, but also to all the people who put their faces in this exhibition.
